Thursday, January 24, 2008


An Internet Marketing Company Can Boost Your Online Presence

An online marketing campaign is necessary these days with the Internet become bigger and bigger by the day. Therefore, it is crucial to hire an effective Internet marketing company to help your business achieve the online results you are looking for. Since the advent of the World Wide Web, there have been many new evolutions to online marketing. Thankfully, there are many Internet marketing companies that can show you the ropes about the industry so that you can capitalize with your online venture.

There is a wide variety of items that a quality Internet marketing company can provide to your business. One of the main sources of online marketing is in search engine optimization, commonly referred to as SEO. This process simply refers to the act of ensuring that your website appears in the top of the major search engines such as Google, Yahoo and MSN. This is achieved by submitting articles and keyword phrases all over the Internet because the more links that your website has on the Net, the higher your search engine ranking will be. Since most customers will choose to use the services of a company that is among the top ten in the search engines, SEO can work wonders for your online venture.

However, an Internet marketing company also has many other services that can benefit your business. Many of these particular companies also provide website designing and graphic design help that will make your website much more appealing to the public. If you search hard enough, you will be able to find a quality company that will produce your website from the ground up and then use SEO to ensure that your site gets the recognition it deserves.

Apart from SEO and graphic design work, an Internet marketing company can also help your business with a wide array of services. Press release marketing has become a very wide-reaching online service that your company could benefit from. A simple press release can create thousands of visitors to your site while continuously boosting your online search engine potential. A prominent Internet marketing company will be able to submit your press release to thousands of established syndication outlets and thousands of directories so that countless websites can pick them up and place them on their sites.

Blogs, which is a shortened term for web logs, is another great way to ensure maximum return on your investment with an Internet marketing company. You can have search engine optimized blogs that use the articles that were previously written for your online marketing campaign. Some companies will simply write the blog for you. However, many companies will not only write the blog for you but also maximize it to incredible search engine potential. This will increase the readership of your blog, in order to maximize both your online potential as well as your customer base.

The biggest part of most any Internet marketing companies is article marketing. This has proved to be the single most effective way of keyword optimization that has come available in recent years. Article marketing encompasses a wide array of services. Keyword research, analysis, submissions to syndications and custom articles are just a few of the things that a successful Internet marketing company can offer you. The Internet is becoming the fastest, cheapest and most effective way to advertise your business. Therefore, the help of an Internet marketing company will certainly aid you in separating yourself from the competition.

Andy West is a freelance writer for Vertical Measures. Vertical Measures is a proven, quality driven internet marketing company. For more information on Vertical Measures, please visit Blog74381
Esma Blog62881

Advertising Nursery Products On TV - Part 1

Advertising various products on television successfully involves the consideration of several art forms. The most common advertising on TV involves the production of 30 second commercials, the 15 second commercials or other longer or shorter timed spots. With eye catching, interesting 30 second spots that are well thought out and developed, the targeted advertisement can create dramatic increases in sales results. Sometimes customers will show up at the front door of an advertising nursery business, only a few minutes after the the ad runs, that is, as fast as the viewer of the ad can drive to the business location. The quickness of the response will depend on how urgently the targeted customer feels compelled to rush out and decide whether or not to buy the product advertised. A customer may feel that a low priced sale product is a good buy, so there is an immediate impulse to purchase this product now, before a potentially limited inventory is sold out and no longer available.

Most sales resulting from TV ads are not sudden but occur only by the repetition of the ads, over and over. The repeated showing of TV ads reminds potential customers that the product can be conveniently purchased now, and thus, the ad may subconsciously create an impulsive need to buy that item in the mind-set of a potential customer. There is no question that the advertising works and has been dynamic and consistent in the success of participating business. Magazines, Newspapers, and the Internet, pay-per-click advertisers all have harvested the abundant rewards of presenting thoughtful advertising campaigns before the eyes and ears of the public. A plant nursery may find that it cannot generate enough income from hometown friends that will favorably allow his business expenses to support a profitable operation, enough to remain in business. If that plant nursery can draw in enough customers from a major trading area (100 miles), the plant nursery may attract an astounding amount of buyers of drive-in trade. The outcome of a TV advertising campaign depends on many factors.

Thirty years ago regional advertising was done primarily by showing static pictures of a nursery storefront in a 30 second ad that was accompanied by a background, announcers voice that promoted general nursery products offered by the advertiser. Early morning ads are less viewed, and the ads can be an inexpensive $50.00 each, whereas, soap opera TV and evening news reports draw thousands the TV screens, and the ads may cost hundreds of dollars each for a 30 second advertising exposure. Weekend advertising rates often can be one-half or less, in cost, than Monday through Friday advertising. Many TV stations will not generally take ad accounts unless the nursery budget allows, and contracts are enforced to spend at least $500 per week. Very often the nursery business sales will build up gradually with effective ad spots, week after week, with Saturday sale receipts dominating----primarily, because gardening is a busy activity planned by home gardeners for weekends. Buyers of nursery plants leave their weekday offices to buy trees flowers and shrubs on Saturday that can be planted during the weekend. Growing plants relaxes office workers and provides recreational relaxation and a personal planting opportunity to harvest fruit, berry and grape treat-rewards, unlike an impersonal signed office check from his employer for the office duties performed.

Some TV stations will offer to a consistent and valuable advertiser, a bonus story on news programs such as interviewing a nursery owner with such questions as: What is the best time to plant apple trees? What is the best variety of fig tree for planting in my area that will survive freezes? These bonus news interviews are often overwhelming in producing customer buyers and huge sales, if the informational news coverage is supplemented with frequent 30 second nursery plant ads.

For the most profound TV influence on garden buyers the TV station representative will outline to the advertiser certain age groups or income brackets of customers to target for maximum sales. For plant and nursery TV sales success, an advertiser will be directed to the weather reports that will target farmers and gardeners whose interests are strongly aligned with environmental changes in the weather, that directly contribute to planting outcomes. Some early morning weather reports offer small audiences, but the low cost of the ads may attract enough customers to make TV advertising rewarding for plant nursery operations.

A very important question on whether or not to advertise plants on TV is how many competitors are advertising similar plant products? If a total plant market is viewed on TV as a pie, the pie is only so large and the advertiser must retrieve a large enough market share or else the TV advertising may not be profitable to continue. Advertising low sales prices on common plants, such as flowering dogwood trees or grapevines, will lure in customers to buy low profit, marginal plants, but usually they will buy much more, thus, making sales profitable and advisable to continue running low price sales on TV .

An important consideration in using TV advertising is the realization that such businesses as automobile dealers may sell a car, as a result of advertising, that nets $30,000, so that such a high ticket item generates huge amounts of income to finance their TV advertising campaigns. A nursery owner can usually not hope to compete on high traffic programs such as nightly news programs with the idea of seeing an advertised item that might only generate $20 in sales against the strongly financed automobile dealers, unless the TV station understands the burden that a nursery operator faces. Sometimes TV management, for one reason or another, will offer the nursery advertiser a price handicap that makes sense.

For advertising on TV a 30 second commercial, a business must give a message that includes the products offered for sale, the location and name of the business being advertised and the phone number and website address. The 30 second advertisement of nursery plant products should mention 4 to 5 different plants with colorful photos of the plants, preferably plants of unrelated groups. Such separate groups might be: Oak tree, amaryllis bulb, peach tree, raspberry bushes.

Patrick A. Malcolm, owner of TyTy Nursery, has an M.S. degree in Biochemistry and has owned and operated TyTy Nursery for over three decades. http://www.tytyga.comVanda Blog17655
Verna Blog58169

How to Successfully Retain and Grow Your Customers

Okay, so your marketing has paid off - you have new customers. The key to growing your business is to effectively communicate and leverage these new customers into advocates for your products and services and purchasers of additional services.

This can be done in a variety of ways. However, some basics steps must be followed to ensure retention. Here are a few tips you can use to develop long-term relationships with newly acquired customers.

1. Proactively shape impressions about your business. Whether you're sending a welcome message, making the first contact via phone, or sending a letter, be sure to position you company for the long-term. Often times, individuals buy products without knowing a whole lot about the company their buying from.

A popular tactic is sending a welcome kit or an overview letter that introduces your company, your values, and the additional resources you have available for your customers including a support email address, 1-800 number and so on. This lets you control your company's image among newly acquired customers. Otherwise, your customers are free to form their own opinion without any guidance whatsoever.

2. Categorize your customer. Is your customer a high potential? Are they a transactional buyer that will likely never buy from you again unless you offer the lowest price? By segmenting your buyers based on your existing database or known behaviors, you can develop customized communication plans to retain them for years to come. Some communication plan may be focused on up-sell while others may only be focused on retention. The communication plan you implement should be based on the proper categorization of your customer.

3. Show your thanks. Once you've acquired a customer, don't forget to thank them. This may seem trite, but done properly, this goes a long way. Often a hand-written note or personalized email from a company president can do the trick. The real key is to make the customer feel good about the purchase they've made and the company they've chose.

4. Provide consistency among all touch points. Once you've acquired a new customer, you must make sure that you provide a consistent user experience. For example, if the prospect contacts your technical support rep the first day after they've purchased a product and receive an answer to their question, then call the following day only to receive a different answer, they're going to lose faith in your company's ability to provide consistent and reliable support.

You can benefit greatly by developing procedures that can be documented and delivered consistently - meeting customer expectations. This builds trust in your business and can minimize defections. If the consumer knows they can count on you to give them what they need/want, they'll be willing to forgo a better price or promise of a better deal elsewhere.

5. Share customer testimonials on future marketing pieces. Many marketers believe that testimonials are only for prospects. The truth is that testimonials can help retain customers, especially new ones, when they are exposed to positive experiences of individuals just like them. In addition to sharing testimonials, it is always a best practice to ask newly acquired customers (within 30 days of purchase) for their feedback/testimonials.

The benefit of reaching out to your customers is that if a problem exists, you can react to it and if they have something positive to say about your product or business, it can be used to reinforce your brand. (Note: be sure to get permission to publish a customers testimonial).

These techniques are very effective for maximizing lifetime customer value. By shaping the image of your company, providing a consistent experience, and sharing testimonials for similar customers, you can develop a positive, lasting impression with your marketplace.

Most importantly, keep it simple. Don't overwhelm your new customers with tons of email, or direct mail. Develop a well thought-out communication plan that has a definite purpose. And most importantly, remember to thank your customers for choosing your company, product or service.

Michael Fleischner is a marketing expert with more than 12 years marketing experience. He has appeared on The TODAY Show, Bloomberg Radio, and other major media. For more free marketing articles like this one, visit Blog61573
Verile Blog10451

How To Make Money With Pro Wealth Solutions

If you are considering joining Pro Wealth Solutions, there are a couple of things you should consider before you start paying $35 for the membership.

Pro Wealth Solutions is a typical MLM business opportunity. Meaning that you sign up, start paying the $35 membership and then you will be paid a commission on whoever you get to sign below you. In essence, you are being paid a portion of your downlines membership money.

Some will classify this as a Pyramid Scam. Though it is a pyramid structure, the word Scam is a little harsh. One definition of scam that is apropos to this situation is to obtain money from somebody by dishonest means. If Pro Wealth Solutions promised to give you access to their resources for a membership fee of X and did not deliver, then that would be a scam. If they promised that you are going to make X amount of money if you pay them and Y amount of membership money, and dont deliver, then THAT would be a scam. Further, if PWS promised to pay you X for each person you sign up and fail to send you a check when your downline is 150 deep, then that would be a scam.

We have yet to see that happen. As a matter of fact, PWS is quite prompt with their payment of earned commissions. We have FULL access to their resources. And as with any business, online or off, they have never guaranteed the amount of money we would be making. So we dont see scam. YET!

I say yet because things can change. But until they do, we will continue to implement what PWS has to offer into our own strategy.

Now, if you have not taken a look at Pro Wealth Solutions, do so now. It is free to evaluate. Of course our mantra: DONT SIGN UP FOR ANYTHING THAT YOU DONT UNDERSTAND. You are just signing up so that you have access to what PWS has to offer.


Pro Wealth Solutions offers several what they term Income Streams. The idea behind these income streams is for the member, in addition to signing people up, to have multiple products to sell which will help you put cash into your pocket while you grow your business. Here are the income streams:

Credit Card Processing
Real Estate Training

And several other training pieces that you are licensed to reproduce and sell in any creative way your little heart desires.

I come from a real estate investment background. So when I saw the Pro Wealth Mortgage Business, it clicked for us. After carefully assessment, and of course extreme due diligence, (I had to speak to whoever was going to be originating the loans, I had to find out the legality of what they were doing, and other loan industry questions like how they handle appraisals, notary issues, origination fees, funding time lines etc.)

The rest was easy! All of our executive members at The Pro Profit Team have since refinanced our homes and investment properties through PWS. The bank that PWS has the relationship with is a publicly traded FDIC insured Bank. Not a mortgage broker. So there are no brokerage fees. I got a better interest rate than I had on a 4-plex that I own and they were able to save me about $800 bucks on my monthly mortgage payment.

Because we are customers, it is truly an easy sell. All of my friends and family are using They are that good!

Our strategy is to present to as many people as we can within our community. We have a great strategy that targets hard working class people (like myself). The sell is the most soft sell in the world! It works like this:

Hey Homeowner, Check these guys out. (give them the info) I just recently refinanced my house with the people and they saved me $800. They may be able to save you some money as well!


Hello stranger in the pub I overheard you talking about your home, you should check these guys out, they have some of the best interest rates Ive seen lately.

You wouldnt believe me if I told you how well these two strategies work! I have yet to meet a homeowner who wouldnt like to save money on their mortgage. Here is the phrase that is worth $1,000 almost every time you speak it:

They may or may not be able to save you money. Its definitely worth checking into!

Its that easy! This is not a potion made from some fruit from New Guinea. This is not a super vitamin, this is not set of motivational tapes, this is not protein powder. This is a Mortgage!

(Unless you are independently wealthy and are paying cash for your home; In which case you dont need a program like Pro Wealth Solutions!)

That is very VERY POWERFUL!

You can take a free tour of the Pro Wealth Solutions Income streams at:

Fanchette Blog74294
Filia Blog13951

An Integrated Approach To Marketing Is The Key To Online Marketing

Marketing could be described as the key to any business succeeding & surviving in the corporate world. Integrated marketing, or IMC, captures all of the marketing mechanics that exist & utilizes them as a united force rather than let it run on its own individual course. This is all well and good, but what would the benefits be of integrated marketing? Well for starters, integrated marketing leads to an increase in coordination, efficiency and as a turn around create a cost reduction within the company or business.

This is evident in many online marketing campaigns that are launched on the web today that want to be successful. The majority of the online community makes buying/selling decisions or for that fact even registrations through interacting with many integrated marketing tactics.

Lets take a small look & give you a basic idea about all of this. Say you want to start your own business online, you have no start up capital but your enthusiasm is more than enough to compensate for the lack of funds. What do you do? Well you first spend days searching the web for a site that will offer you all the instruments needed to have that solid integrated marketing approach and have your own web site for you to customize, upload & later manage. After many restless nights of searching let me save you some precious time & direct you to a site that at first glance may look too good to be true! ekwa (, an innovative tool in web marketing which comprises of all these features to best suit your needs.

If you run a serious online business your website is probably the major contributing factor to your success, especially if its well-designed, user-friendly and informative. The company website is the prime connection between you and your customer base, upon which every business relies. So, it makes sense that everything a person sees on a website should project an image that is consistent with your corporate identity.

ekwa provides web templates, hosting & one very power packed integrated viral marketing package that enables you to carry out your comprehensive viral marketing campaign. Apart from all that now ekwa introduces ekwa lite which wont cost you 10$ not even 1$. You know what, dont even pull your wallet out as this entire ekwa lite package is absolutely FREE! integrates all of the needed marketing tools (blogs, publishing opportunities, having access to ekwa community, photo sharing, web site templates & many more) for you to succeed.

Dhanushka Fernando Is the Media and Client Marketing Manager for ekwa Labs. Check out their new ekwa lite package for FREE by visiting Blog35168
Vicki Blog90356

Toli Cefail on the Deadly Sins Of Marketing

"It may come as a surprise that the seven deadly sins - Vanity, Anger, Envy, Lust, Greed, Sloth, and Gluttony - can also be could be applied to marketing," says Toli Cefail, Chief Operating Office of In Touch Media Group, Inc. (, a full-service marketing company that specializes in using the Internet as a key public relations and advertising tool. "In fact, learning how these sins can negatively affect your marketing can pave the road to greater success."

Cefail has also uncovered an eighth deadly marketing sin, though she's keeping a tight lid on it for the time being. "It's as big a sin as the other seven, but I'm saving this one for last," she says. Cefail plans to reveal each of the "Eight Deadly Sins of Marketing" over the next few weeks, in the knowledge that awareness is the first step in preventing businesspeople from undermining their marketing efforts and their companies.

"The first deadly marketing sin is vanity," continues Cefail. "It's the most subtle of the seven deadly sins, but it's particularly dangerous when you're marketing a product or service."

Cefail cites the vanity ad as the primary example of this marketing no-no. "These are TV commercials, or print or other ads that are created primarily to appeal to the egos of the company owners," she says. "These ads have nothing to do with the consumer. They're not designed to appeal to any target market or to sell the product."

For instance, because the owner of a company likes Harley Davidson motorcycles, the company's advertising agency creates an advertisement that prominently features motorcycles. They place the ad despite the fact that the company sells cosmetics.

"The executives and ad agency folks sit around the conference table, smiling and clapping," says Cefail. "It's a hit! With whom? With the corporate execs. After all, that's who pays the bills, right?" she asks, quizzically. "Wrong!" she says emphatically. "The customer pays the bills. And if your ad doesn't sell them, they won't pay."

Cefail concludes, "So stay away from vanity ads and vanity campaigns. Instead, stick to what will appeal to your customers."

Kris Nickerson is the Editor-in-Chief of Press Direct International (, a global information website that provides reliable information tailored to professionals in financial, media, and corporate markets. His thorough knowledge of industries ranging from health care and travel to real estate and financial investing enables him to quickly grasp the nuances of emerging markets and technologies.Ester Blog28908
Vitia Blog9329

Business Card Etiquette for International Businessmen

In a globalized world, international businessmen require more than certain skills and knowledge in their corresponding financial or commercial branch, but also the basic understanding of customer's local culture to avoid frustration, misunderstanding and even potential embarrassment.

Whether a company or any independent professional, should research not only to get cheap international plane tickets to make the trip more affordable, but also acquiring basic facts about regional culture and etiquette, including business cards.

If you are involved in international business, then you need to keep up with your client's country values, norms, behaviors, and even everyday facts including art, food, fashion, architecture, etc. The more you learn about your clients' nations, the more opportunities to close successful deals. However, any solid relationship begins by recognizing the importance of learning the proper etiquette.

Business cards are usually the first thing that any customer or prospective client will get from you, so you should make sure they cause a positive impression on them. The way they perceive you from the beginning will leave a lasting impression in their memory, giving them right from the start the impression whether to create a business relationship with you.

As an example, getting cheap international plane tickets to attend a meeting abroad is fine, but your cards must reflect you are not trying to save costs. Every nation has different idiosyncrasies, but general business card etiquette encloses the guidelines to make the best impression on current and potential clients.

Becoming a successful businessman or businesswoman is easy if you simply read a little bit about customs and practices of the region where your partners, co-workers and clients live. Knowledge is generally the best guidance, pointing you in the right direction for creating international lasting business, fulfilling both intentions and expectations coming from each partner involved.

Furthermore, business card etiquette is only one aspect of great importance when it comes to international exchange of business cards, because unlike America or Canada, in other countries, business cards have very different meanings, and not only a convenient way of capturing essential personal or businesses details.

This way, business cards in the United Kingdom are relaxed and involve just a little ceremony. Keeping the cards clean and presentable, even if carried in a pocket, but in Japan, business cards are exchanged with great ceremony and they should be kept in pristine condition, given them with only one hand and always received with two hands. Whether you want to present color business cards is another consideration.

Getting cheap international plane tickets save money. Invest that money in quality cards that speak by themselves about your business, and include in them your title, university degree or any other honor, if you have any, because many countries all over the world place emphasis on status and hierarchy. Business card printing should always be done professionally.

With different approaches, business cards, whether for department stores or collection agencies, are considered as a representation of the owner, consciously or unconsciously, so make sure to apply what the proper business etiquette demands in every region where you move.

Natalie Aranda writes on marketing and sales. Business cards are usually the first thing that any customer or prospective client will get from you, so you should make sure they cause a positive impression on them.Frederica Blog28645
Farrah Blog31887

Is It Really Possible To Make Money For Free Online? Yes It Is!

Many people out there struggle to make money online through affiliate schemes and MLM etc. This is a fact, it is something that none of us can deny. It seems that the people who make the most money have plenty of money to advertise through Google Adwords etc. For those of us who cannot afford to promote our websites this way we are left trying to scrape up visitors and convert them into sales. In this article, I am going to teach you why you should swap from affiliate marketing to a new form of money making that is just starting online. The program I am going to tell you about today is called Edownline. By the end of this article you will realise that it is possible to make money online without spending much money and that affiliate advertising is not the only way to make money.

EDownline -

EDownline is a great new website where you earn money for completing offers, viewing websites and refering others. Membership to EDownline is free and it is a great way to earn money online. Currently, EDownline is in pre launch as it needs 20,000 members before it can function properly. However, you can still sign up for free and refer others (if those referals then purchase a platinum membership which costs money you get a commision on this) Refering people is also easy especially as EDownline is currently giving away free gold memberships and standard memberships are also free. Remember, they key to making money for free online is to refer people to websites they do not have to pay for (EDownline meets this profile perfectly) Another great thing about EDownline is the site's payment options. Rather than being sent a check in the post you can get paid through your choice of online payment processors (Paypal, AlertPay, StormPay etc) This means you get your money quicker and you can cash out more easily.

What are the benefits of getting a gold or platinum account?

The benefits of signing up for a gold account (currently free if you sign up before the 20,000 member mark is reached) or a platinum account are massive. Firstly, in both account types you earn far more than standard members for viewing websites etc. The biggest benefit for gold and platinum (especially platinum members) is that you earn extra money for every referral that you make. This means that referring people suddenly becomes a very profitable business because you earn more money. Also, gold and platinum members have access to a download database that includes website submission software, ebooks on increasing your profits and great scripts for your website. If you want to make the most possible on EDownline then you really do need a gold or platinum account, with a platinum account being the best way to make money.

So how much can you earn off EDownline?

This depends, for those of you who will just take offers and view websites then you can earn between $5-100 depending on how much time you spend on EDownline. However, the real money is in refering people to EDownline so you can earn even more money. By doing this you can earn good money and also it is easy to refer people as a standard account is free (gold accounts are free at the moment as well) EDownline are adding an additional service that they claim will make you large amounts of money but this service is yet to begin until 2007 so keep a look our for that.

If you would like to know more about EDownline then please visit my "EDownline Information Page" at

If you would like to sign up to EDownline for free then please visit (remember, if you sign up before the 20,000 member mark you get a free gold account, a $50 value)

I hope after reading this article you have realised that it is possible to make money online for free. I hope that you have also realised that there are alternatives to the often difficult business of affiliate marketing.

IMPORTANT - You may redistribute this article as you see fit, you may even charge for it. However, you MUST retain the links featured in this article and the information box below.

This article was written by Sam Frost, the administrator of e-Money. If you would like to find out about the best scam-free ways to make money online for free then please visit http://emoney.110mb.comFaydra Blog48462
Evanne Blog55450

How Sales Visibility Will Help You Close More Frequently!

The end goal of any sales rep is to close, close, close. From initial contact to making that call to seal the deal, a good salesman/woman should have little else on their mind then moving forward. Although selling different products and services require you to alter your approach, vary your efforts and adapt to different interests and questions, a good salesman/woman must be able to interpret and record customer feedback and funnel it into a structured and clear pipeline in order to succeed.

The pipeline is in effect the measuring stick from which a sales reps job security will rest, and having a full and healthy pipeline reveals positive employee activity, closing effectiveness and of course revenue potential. This real time sales tracking capability has been long overdue in the eyes of corporate executives, CEOs and sales managers, and has quickly become an industry standard. Powered by Customer Relationship Management software, this sales tracking capability called Opportunity Management is now available in real time CRM solutions, and affords the sales rep a fully integrated software solution that can track a lead all the way to a closed sale.

Opportunity management embedded in a CRM solution accommodates the needs of both Sales managers and their reps, as well as provides them with the tools to fill their pipeline, track each sales progress and ensure that no opportunity goes begging. Having this visibility into ones potential sales will breed accountability and give sales reps the organization they need to close more deals regularly.

To help you better understand the capabilities and benefits of tracking ones opportunities, the following points will highlight the usability and effectiveness of a good CRM solution with opportunity management.

Lead & Account Segregation tracking ones opportunities properly really starts with having the ability to convert the interested in Lead into an Account. This conversion capability keeps your leads (potential customers) from your Accounts (current customers and those interested in buying).

Account Management this will allow you track your current customers and pending customers, as well as add multiple contacts on the account as any sale could involve satisfying more than one contact.

Account Opportunity Management this feature allows you add multiple opportunities to the one account, allowing you track repeat business as well multiple proposals linked to the same deal. This capability is directly linked to your pipeline and all opportunities are displayed there.

Opportunity Pipeline this feature provides users and managers with a birds eye view of all opportunities, their probability of closing, their value, and links to the next steps needed to close.

Opportunity Activity Management inherent to all CRM solutions is the ability to create and track activities and link them to a particular record. Having the capability to generate and track activities linked directly to an opportunity affords the user the ability to handle more opportunities on the whole.

Closing Opportunities another very important part of managing your sales pipeline is the ability to close your sales in the system for reporting purposes. Closing a sale won or lost will give users and management a better understanding of what efforts work, what customers are interested in, and how to approach them in the future.

The clarity offered by todays CRM solutions has taken the sales process to the next level and rendered the spreadsheet tracking model almost obsolete. With intuitive and user friendly CRM models that can literally walk you through the sales process, the diligent and savvy sales rep can close more deals today then ever before.
Colin Duffy enjoys writing about CRM subjects and on demand CRM software vendors such as Salesboom ( )Esmeralda Blog16158
Evanne Blog84022

Getting More Traffic To Your Home Based Business Website By Translating It

Statistically, 95% of new businesses fail, many of them in the first year. The new business owner gets frustrated with the anemic results gotten when they have been promised riches beyond their imaginations. The web is very good at prodding our imaginations. Many home based business and make money online ads, web pages, and emails tell you that you can easily be making $300 to $20,000 per month and you could be doing it in a matter of weeks. This is just unrealistic. Do you know why the internet mega-earners make so much money? They have been doing it a long, long time. They have many well established web pages that have many well established hyperlinks. They have huge lists of opt-in newsletter subscribers that follow their every move. Whey they say something is the next big thing, the herd buys it without question. The money comes flowing in. The rest of us look on scratching our heads wondering when it will be our turn. Wonder as much as you want. These internet gurus took years to get where they are today. If we stick with it, it will probably be the same case for the rest of us.

The modern internet started in the early 1990s with the first graphical web browser. I hate to break the news, but it was not Internet Explorer or Netscape. The current system of hypertext, the links that make up the internet, was a system of embedded links in text to link to other text. This became known as the World Wide Web in 1991, yes 1991! The web browser that made this protocol successful was called Mosaic. Mosaic was the first graphical browser and was developed in 1993. I don't know about you, but it seems to me that 1993 was not so long ago. My impression is that the internet, and making money with an online home based business, is not that old and that there is a lot of room for growth. The problem is not how little money a new online business makes when starting up. This should be the one thing that you least expect because you have no control over how much money you will make, you don't even have a business yet! The real question should be how to get quality internet traffic. Here is one suggestion that is neglected and will blow your mind!

How would you like to increase your website traffic three, five, or maybe even ten times overnight with one simple act? You are already getting some good quality hits from your website, right? If your website is presented in one language, have it interpreted. One language is not enough and the English speaking market that has long been the most prominent is becoming smaller and smaller. There are add on applications that will not only translate your web pages on the fly for you, but also create permanent translated pages that reside on your host for the next surfer that happens to come along and needs that translation. They contain all of the original internal and outgoing links. These pages will make your non-translated website look bigger and theoretically make it look more important to the search engines. What happens when your website looks more important to the search engines? The answer is higher placement, in this case for your keywords of choice, and more traffic. The search engines cannot treat it as duplicate content because it is in an entirely different language! Simple concept, isn't it?

Now think, what will happen every time you add a reciprocal link to your website? You will have multiple pages of link content in different languages, including your native language, feeding PR into your main page. Link pages show up on the internet too, right? The requests you are getting for link partners will explode because you will receive them, not only from your native language, but others who can now read your link pages who could not previously as well. Of course, you will have to translate them to your native language to understand them, but do you get the picture? The lack of a language barrier means that you will not be able to use this excuse to deny a link request just because you cannot read it.

Article writing is fast becoming the preferred method of creating quality one way links to your website. Imagine a website that translates its content. Again, because the language barriers have been broken through translation, more readers will be reading your articles. Of course, in the case where the article page is actually translated and generates a new page, the pr of that article directory will shoot up due to the additional content. Now, think of those who have their own article directory and list their home page as a sponsor. The internal links back to the home page are increased by the number of translated pages. Multiply the number of articles in your article directory by the number of languages used by readers and you will have more than just a couple of thousand internal links, you could have tens of thousands!

Translation of your web pages will increase your advertising income for text based advertisements like Google Adsense. I do not think they have figured out a way to translate a banner yet, but text advertisements will get more exposure because more people will be able to read them. Again the impact of this is huge if you take into consideration all of the ads you have placed on your web pages, especially the internet and article directories that have so many web pages.

The World Wide Web is called that for a reason, however that does not mean that everything should be written and read in one language. If you hadn't noticed, the language of the internet in Asian languages is growing exponentially because of the growth occurring in China. Don't be left out! Translate your home based business website and you will be a part of an international phenomenon called the internet. Your online home based business might just make some money.

Leonard Bartholomew, B.S. Computer Science, is an affiliate marketer for an organization that has been in business for more than six years. Find all of the elements of an extraordinarily simple online home based business opportunity at Blog68806
Vikkie Blog41752

Characteristics of Opt-In and Permission Based Marketing

There is another aspect to Internet marketing that makes waves to those who are starting up in the business. It is called opt-in and permission based marketing. It works so well because it is something that possesses three characteristics that is not that emphasized in other techniques of Internet marketing.

Opt-in and permission based marketing is clearly a star in its own right when it comes to converting your prospects into buyers. This is where much of the favorable client and businessman relationship flourishes well. Briefly, we describe here the three characteristics of opt-in and permission based marketing.


This is definitely the first adjective in the magic three. Personal correspondence never fails to get the consumers attention. Just put yourself in the position of your lead. Wouldnt you be just as exasperated opening another cold and uncaring email that is just obviously trying to siphon off some of their money for selfish pursuits?

If you want to be an Internet marketer with an effective opt-in listing, you must treat your leads like human beingcomplete with emotion, calling them by their first name (you can actually automate that!), and making them know that beyond marketing, you genuinely care about them. This is not something you do to flatter. It will not pan out properly if you are not as sincere in creating a personal touch to your business.


Opt-in lists are often anticipated. After all, it was they who explicitly subscribed under you, right? The thing about unwanted and unexpected marketing pitches is that they instantly go to the trash bin. Meanwhile, if you have the person under your opt-in list, they will really wait for the newsletter to arrive at their email inbox. The fact that they took the time to subscribe to your site means that they are willing to allot your updates some time. This is really a good opportunity to seize.


This is also another important facet of permission based marketing. The content of your newsletter must be relevant to what the person has subscribed. Since this is an anticipated marketing form, you will have to meet certain expectations as to the content and its relevance to their particular needs. This is where other marketing strategies fail.

In permission based marketing, it already answers the whats in it for me? quality that most customers look for through the relevance of the things they gain from the effective Internet marketer.

Joel Christopher is a best-selling author, speaker and mentor, known worldwide as The Masterlistbuilder. Fae Blog35743
Ester Blog6901

Have You Been Scammed?

Do you want to make money online? Unless you have some insider advice or a great mentor, it can be very challenging to decipher all the offers and opportunities out there. I call it getting lost down the Internet rabbit hole.

If you are anything like me, every day youll have an in-box full of emails telling you about the latest and greatest ways to make money and get rich on the Internet. Ive been in the home business industry for several years, and have found businesses that work and many that dont. Once I decided that the Internet was a fantastic environment to develop my business and make money, I began to do some research. So I read a lot, joined many business opportunities and purchased a lot of systems and tools.

I found an enormous number of so-called Guru packages that claim to show you the system, the secret, the one way to make money in home business and make you successful. There are launches of new systems and products everyday, all with the promise of quick and easy ways to make money.

If you are like me, youll find that it gets to the point where you are really suffering from information overload, too many products, too many e-books too much software, and all those audios. Have you found that you have even forgotten what you have already purchased? Yet you are still looking for the perfect home business. Because you know that there must be a way for you to make money working at home.

Now dont get me wrong. There are heaps of people who make money online from many home business programs. And many are legitimate. But some really should be avoided.

Here are some tips on what to do to help you avoid being scammed.

First, make sure that the business is being offered by a legitimate company. This is easy to check see if you can phone them and that they have a real mail address. Do a Google search on the business name and the person involved, and check out related websites and forums. Also search for complaints. It is well worth spending some time researching.

Check how long this business has been running. You really want something that is established. There are heaps of start-ups, and of course their selling point is get in now with a ground floor opportunity and make money online faster. The truth is that 95% of these startups fail some very quickly, some after a year or so. And when they fall over, your business falls over too. So unless you are willing to risk your money and a lot of your effort, it is best to steer clear of startups.

There are a few types of home business that are suspect: these include home craft, stuffing envelopes, and typing at home. It appears that after paying the joining fee, no real work at home is actually available.

An obvious type to avoid is the pyramid scheme this is where you pay a fee for nothing of value, and get others to do the same, with a promise that you will make money. You may have seen these on and off the Internet. The point about these schemes is that they are illegal, and are not legitimate forms of making money in home business.

My research has let me to a conclusion and some advice. Do some research on the home business opportunity you are looking at. Avoid the pitfalls I have mentioned above.

Make sure you are getting something of value for the investment that is required.

And then focus to make sure that you make money with your own home business.

Janet EllershawFanchon Blog77567
Esther Blog84372

Why So Many People Fail In Affiliate Marketing

More and more people are lured into affiliate marketing and you might be one of them. Indeed, affiliate marketing is one of the most effective means of generating a full-time income through the Internet. Its a fair deal between the merchandiser and his affiliates as both benefit from each sale materialized. Like in other kinds of business, a great deal of the profits in affiliate marketing depends on the affiliates advertising, promoting and selling strategies. Everyday, as affiliate marketing industry expands, competition heightens as well so an affiliate marketer must be creative enough to employ unique and effective ways to convince potential buyers to purchase or avail of the products and services offered.

Compared to traditional advertising practices, affiliate programs are more effective, risk-free and cost-efficient. But why do many people still fail in affiliate marketing? There are a lot of reasons and a lot of areas in the program to look into. The most critical aspect in the affiliate program is advertising. Many affiliate marketers fail in this aspect because they lack hard work, which is the most important thing in affiliate marketing and in all other kinds of business as well. Although it pays to be lucky, you cannot merely rely on it. Affiliate marketing isnt as simple as directing customers to the business site. If you want to earn big, of course, you have to invest time and great amount of hard work in promoting the products. As earlier mentioned, the competition is very high and customers nowadays are very wise, too. After all, who doesnt want to get the best purchasethat is, to pay less and get more in terms of quantity and quality.

Lack of preparation is also a reason why one fails in affiliate marketing, whether he is a merchandiser or an affiliate. Part of the preparation is researching. On the part of the merchant, he has to be highly selective in choosing the right affiliate websites for his affiliate program. In order to be sure he has the best choices, he must have exhausted his means in looking for highly interested affiliates whose sites are sure fit to his products and services. The affiliate sites visitors must match his targeted customers. On the other hand, the affiliate marketer must likewise research on the good-paying merchandisers before he signs up for an affiliate program. He must ensure that the merchants products and services match his interests so he can give his full attention and dedication to the program. He can get valuable information by joining affiliate forums, comparing different affiliate programs and reading articles on affiliate marketing where he can get tips from experienced affiliate marketers on how to choose the best merchants and products with high conversion rate.

The website is a very important tool in the whole affiliate program. As an affiliate marketer, you should plan how your site is going to be, from domain name to the design, the lay-out, the content, and ads. Some users are particular about what they see at first glance and thus when they find your site ugly, they wont read through the content even if your site has many things to say and offer. On the other hand, there those who want information more than anything else. Affiliate marketers with rich-content web sites are usually the ones who prosper in this business because the content improves traffic to the site. Websites with high quality contentswith relevant keywords and more importantly, right information about the product and not empty hyped-up advertisementsallow you to earn big in affiliate marketing even when youre asleep. If you wont be able to sustain the interest of your site visitor, you wont be able to lead him to the merchants site. No click-through means no sale and thus, no income on your part.

Selecting a top-level domain name is also crucial to the success of the affiliate program. Lots of affiliate sites dont appear in the search engine results because they are deemed by affiliate managers as personal sites. Major search engines and directories would think of your site as transient ones and thus, they wont list it in the directory. Before you decide on the domain name, know first what you are going to promote. Many fail because their sites are not appropriately named, so even when they feature the exact products the customer is looking for, the customer might think the site is not relevant and thus, wont enter the site.

Above all, an affiliate marketer must be willing to learn more. Certainly, there are still a lot of things to learn and so an affiliate marketer must continue to educate himself so he can improve his marketing strategies. Many fail because they dont grow in the business and they are merely concerned about earning big quickly. If you want long-term and highly satisfactory results, take time to learn the ins and outs of the business. Continue to improve your knowledge especially with the basics in affiliate marketing ranging from advertising to programming, web page development, and search engine optimization techniques. Likewise, study the needs and wants of your site users and how different merchandisers compete with each other.

Keep on trying

Clarence B. is the founder and Webmaster for Here you can find FREE information on many subjects including business, automobile, travel, vacation, affiliate marketing, advertising, internet, sports, entertainment, technology, communication, fashion, home improvement, culture, education, society, science, politics, fitness and health. provides you with helpful guidance, tips and news update, from basic to the latest skills, knowledge and information, about these subjects.Ethyl Blog58487
Freddi Blog66663

Affiliate Marketing Tips To Help You Earn More

When you want to make money as an affiliate, it can be confusing when you first start out. The terminology may seem like another language and it is very easy to get frustrated. However, keep in mind that once you understand the process of affiliate marketing, it will seem almost silly at how stressed you got to begin with.

Affiliate marketing is not very difficult. However, there are certain guidelines that you can follow if you want to increase your chances of success.

1) Keywords- keywords are a very necessary part of affiliate marketing. It is what people use to find your site and ultimately become a customer. There are a lot of sites on the Internet that can offer software to assist you in finding the right keywords for your product. Some of the sites have a fee; others offer their software at no cost. By doing a simple search, you will find plenty to choose from.

2) Autoresponders may not seem like they are needed, however, they are an intricate part of how to set up leads from your website visitors. With an autoresponder, you can place forms on your site for your visitors to fill out for more information regarding your products or services. You can also give them a free subscription to your newsletters, flyers, e-books, and anything else you can think of to get their business. After they have subscribed, you can send them information weekly, biweekly or monthly regarding your business. Just like traditional shoppers, online shoppers need to see what you are offering and what type of marketing you are using.

Note: It is also very important that you check your autoresponders to make sure that they are working properly. There is new technology created every day to stop the flow of Spam mail, email filter may not allow your email to be delivered.

3) Dont go it alone- It is important that you do not feel alone. Talk to someone who can assist you in your affiliate marketing. There will always be someone who knows more than you, and their assistance may be the difference between success and failure.

4) Talk to your customers- it is great when you have a steady customer base. However, it is important that you not only email them, you should also call them once in a while so they are reassured that you are a real person. Sending out seasonal greetings is a great way to show that you appreciate their business.

5) SEO- It is critical that you are up to date with the latest search engine optimization (SEO). Popular SEO sites contain the most up to date information on every aspect of online business. So search for them in your favorite search engines, subscribe to their ezines and apply what you have learned to your own websites.

It is a sure thing that your competitors are doing everything they can to get your customers. So you should do everything you can not to let them!

By Diana Barnum, Editor of Moving Ahead Weekly Ezine, "Helping You Advance with Business Support Service Info." For help with your projects, visit & http://www.ohiohelpgroup.comFilia Blog52926
Fernandina Blog31544

The Impact Of Niche Marketing

Marketing a home business is a lot of work. One way to make things easier is to try niche marketing. Niche marketing is about finding a very specialized market to sell your products to.

There is a lot of competition in business. With so many businesses now going online, the competition is even more fierce. That is why so many business owners use niche marketing.

Niche marketing is a specialized technique of marketing where a business finds a small segment of the market that is highly focused and they advertise to this segment.

A niche market is more than a target market because it includes some very specified characteristics. More than just a general area of the market, it focuses on a smaller segment of the market.

When finding a niche market a business owner has to find the characteristics of their niche market. The niche market should have certain qualifications. It needs to have a very specialized need.

A niche market needs to be easily defined. All the people in the niche market need to be similar. They should be in the same general financial bracket and with the same general needs.

When compared to a larger market, a niche market is going to be able to be clearly defined. The niche market will have a specified need for the product. It will include people that are similar and it will allow a business owner to produce targeted marketing and avoid heavy competition.

Niche marketing is a very important aspect of marketing a business. It will give focus to a marketing campaign and it will allow a business owner to advertise to the people who are the most likely to buy their product. It can really help a business owner to get their business off on the road to success.

Copyright © Wonder Nyatanga

Wonder Nyatanga is the owner of To find the best home based business ideas and opportunities so you can work at home visit: http://www.ProfitEnaires.comVerna Blog95372
Vilma Blog79805

Two Of The Most Effective Online Marketing Tools

Article Writing As A Marketing Tool

Whether you are targeting a niche market or a wider more general audience, one of the most effective tools to reach those interested in what you have to offer is writing and submitting articles concerning your particular craft. Article marketing is a great way for the average person to do some great things with their marketing efforts. One of the reasons it is so effective is that it allows the marketer to truly project the writers own business ideas, values, and expectations into the article itself giving the reader a real sense of the writers character thus establishing an immediate bond or sense of trust and instills confidence in the reader for the writer, product and or service. At the same time, it can also reveal character flaws in writers of poorly written articles. The fakes will eventually make themselves known. Anyone who knows something and can write, or even pay someone to write for them can use articles to their advantage. Here are a few tips in writing an article that will attract the most readers.

1. It will help your sales if you keep your articles short and to the point, as the clich goes, long enough to cover the subject but short enough to keep it interesting. 500 to 750 words is long enough to give your readers information they can use and implement instantly and still be short enough not to bore them.

2. When people read articles they want information that they can put to use immediately. I've found that if you're targeting the Internet Marketing niche, you'll find your articles will get a better response and you will make more sales if you give people a plan they can use to make money from your article. If your writing the article for a niche market you want to sell to, tell them the benefits of your items and how the readers can use or apply them to make their lives easier, get things done faster, or whatever it is your items do.

3. One of the most important parts to your article is your article title; it can make or break your article. Describe in your article title what the article is about or what information it will disclose. Example, if your writing about how to prepare good quality and quick after work meals, you might compose a title such as 5 Easy And Delicious After Work Meals You Can Fix This Week Not perfect but you get the idea.

Article writing works as a very effective online marketing tool because it goes hand in hand with learning to market yourself as your primary product rather than focusing entirely on a particular business or program.

To help you along with your own efforts with articles here's a fewe resources I highly recommend:

*ArticleBuilder.Net A very useful article building tool to help in the formulation and mental stimulation for ideas and the actual creation of the article. It has a very large database of articles to draw from.

* A very useful service that will submit your article to 30,000 publishers

* Hands down the best directory to submit your articles to for maximum exposure. Pretty strict "quality" policy too so once you're in; you gain some instant credibility. But you have to live up to it with each subsequent submission I'm listed as an Expert Author. Sweet!

The Value Of Forums As A Marketing Tool

Another extremely effective online marketing tool is the use of online business or general information forums. Simply put, recognition as an expert in your field leads to acceptance and respect which in turn leads to Sales! One of the fastest ways to become recognized as an expert is to offer helpful and valuable posts on a regular basis in forums where your target market or audience gather.

A forum is an online community for discussion among Internet users, used by some of the best Internet marketers in the world. It is also a training ground for the up and coming. It is a place to share ideas, find answers, solve problems, make friends, and develop partnerships. It is also a support system or resource for most any business, on or offline.

It is no secret, but takes some longer to learn than others, that to be successful you must market yourself first. Forums are the perfect place to promote yourself and your business. By adding value to discussions, you are promoting yourself as an expert in your field, gaining recognition. There is a legend in most forums that the more posts you have, the more money you make online. By becoming an active contributor to forums, you gain recognition, and people pay more attention to your posts.

Search forum plus the topic of your choice using Google or AltaVista to find a whole list of forums available. You may also contact some of the professional organizations in your trade to see if they have a forum.

Posting to many forums can be a little tedious if you have to log in and browse through your previous postings or find new topics you can respond to. I recommend an automated posting package or software to enable multiple thread tracking. This will speed up the task of message posting and an unlimited number of forums while managing multiple conversation threads. You can automatically track all replies and organize them as you continue to respond and post to multiple forums. I am sure there are many to choose from but I use and recommend Forum Fortune as the submitter of choice.

George MarshallFedora Blog23198
Fayre Blog97771

How to Increase Your Business by 20% Without Spending a Dime on Marketing or Advertising!

The answer might surprise you - Develop a pro-active "human proof" referral system and use it all the time! Its that simple.

When I ask most people "how have they grown your business most successfully" they often tell me, its by word of mouth and referrals. Yet when I them what system (or methodology they use) to obtain referrals they dont have one. Its a random process at best.

Statistics show that today, it takes six more times the effort and money to get a new client to buy from you as it takes to get a second order from an existing customer or a referral. So why doesnt everybody ask for referrals from everybody they sell?

The reason is because there are emotions involved most people don't feel comfortable "asking" for referrals. Heres a rule - If you don't ask for a referral, you wont get many. Do you ask for a referral something like this: Do you know of anyone that might like our services? and your answer you get is almost always no not at this time, but if I do, I will be sure to tell them about you.

We've found that when you put an automated system in place that asks for a referral every time to everybody that buys, your referrals go up and so do your sales. You can usually expect to obtain at least one new referred customer from every five new customers asked. Thats a 20% increase in business without spending a dime on marketing or advertising.

So what should you say to get a referral? Heres the key - People think in pictures so you need to ask for a referral so it paints a picture in their mind of who they can refer. Ask them Do you have any clients that might like to take advantage of the savings and or quality service you just received? If you could take a moment and scan through your rolodex and see if anyone comes to mind that you could refer, and put their contact information on this form.

Also you should have a series of 3 5 steps mapped out that lead up to asking for the referral. It should look something like this.

1) First send a thank you letter or email.

2) Then follow up with a quick phone call.

3) Next follow up with another email to ensure everything went well after you delivered the product or solution.

4) Finally, send a letter or email with a script saying: Dear (customer), based on our previous communications, you are happy with the produce, service and follow up. I would like to ask a favor. Would you be kind enough to refer up to 3 people that you think might be interested in receiving the same quality and savings that you have experienced? Check your rolodex or any clients you have dealt with in the last 30 days and put them on the form I have provided. Ive attached a simple form. Again, thanks for being our customer and putting your trust in us.

Step 5 Put a note on your calendar to call them in 4-5 day and ask for the referrals if you didnt receive them.

Then put it into an automated process so every new customer was asked for a referral every time they purchased from youWithout Fail! You need to ask every new customer because:

They just made the decision to choose you instead of the competition!

People want to tell other people about their good decisions!

You are top of mind and have just provided them with a valued solution!

You have not had a chance to mess it up yet!

By automating the process of politely asking for referrals at your customer satisfaction stage of relationship you will obtain at least one new customer via referral for every four customers asked. It's like buying five customers and getting one free!

If you want to increase your sales by 20% without spending a dime on marketing or advertising, implement a system that is automated and human proof. To learn more, review the digital brochure at or call 770-352-0662 for a free 30 minute business evaluation to improve your referral system.

George Ishee is known as the sales funnel guru and works with mid to small companies to automate the process to increase leads, referrals and sales on a consistant basis. To learn more visit our digital brochure at or call 770-352-0662.Fiann Blog56824
Valry Blog42580

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


An Overview of Pay Per Click (PPC) Advertising

Pay per click (PPC) advertising has revolutionized advertising on the Internet. This allows for very targeted advertising to Internet users who are searching for the particular item that is being advertised. Google Adwords and Yahoo Search Marketing are the two major PPC programs on the Internet today. Microsoft AdCenter is a recent newcomer to PPC programs.

Pay per click (PPC) advertising has revolutionized advertising on the Internet. In order to understand PPC advertising, lets discuss PPC, its history, and some background information.

Lets start our discussion with a definition of pay per click advertising from Wikipedia.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:-

Pay per click (PPC) is an advertising technique used on websites, advertising networks, and search engines.

With search engines, pay per click advertisements are usually text ads placed near search results; when a site visitor clicks on the advertisement, the advertiser is charged a small amount. Variants include pay for placement and pay for ranking. Pay per click is also sometimes known as Cost Per Click (CPC).

While many companies exist in this space, Google AdWords and Yahoo! Search Marketing, which was formerly Overture, are the largest network operators as of 2006. MSN has started beta testing with their own PPC services MSN adCenter. Depending on the search engine, minimum prices per click start at US$0.01 (up to US$0.50). Very popular search terms can cost much more on popular engines. Abuse of the pay per click model can result in click fraud.

Pay per click advertising covers the three main search engines, but lets concentrate on Google since it has the largest market share of searches on the Net.

Pay per click advertising is where an advertiser creates an ad for a product or service that will be presented to a search engine ("SE") user when the user searches on a specific key word or key word phrase. When you use an SE, you see the ads when you receive the results of the search. You have noticed that the ads are about the same information that you entered into the search. This is based on the keywords for which the ads are targeted.

The advertiser that puts the ad in the SE agrees that it will pay a certain amount to the SE each time the ad is clicked by a user. The order of presentation of the ads on the search engine results page depends on the price that the advertiser agrees to pay and the historical click-through rates of all ads shown for a given search.

This advertising concept has revolutionized Internet advertising and has created Google Adwords, Yahoo Search Marketing, and Microsoft Adcenter. In 2000 Google was the first to start a program of this type and it has developed into Googles flagship product from which it derives the majority of its revenue.

Originally, Google permitted the Adwords ad to send the user directly to the advertisers site. Early in 2005, the policy changed and now you must link from the Google ad to a "landing page" (page where the searcher will be directed when the ad is clicked). The landing page is used to presell the readers and then send them on to the sales page of the company selling the service or product.

PPC advertising is a great way to make money as an affiliate. You identify a company that you want to promote, identify the keywords that searchers will use when searching for the companys products, and set up a landing web page to receive the click from the SE. On the landing page, you place ad copy to sell the reader on clicking to the companys site that you are representing. If the user clicks to the company site and takes the desired action (purchasing a product or completing a lead form), you are paid for the completion of the action. This will be a percent of the sale of a product or a flat payment for a sales lead.

Anyone can sign up for these programs and it is quite easy to do so. You can make money using this technique. However, before you think this will make you rich overnight, lets get a little education on how it works.

When an SE presents your ad to a user, it is called an "impression". When a user clicks on the ad, it is called a "click". The SE develops a ratio called the click through rate (CTR) by dividing the clicks by the impressions. If your CTR remains high enough (this varies by SEs, but usually above one percent is sufficient), your ad will continue to run. If it does not perform well, the SE will inactivate it until you change something about the ad to make it perform better.

Your account with the PPC program will have reports that show you the impressions, the clicks, the CTR. It will also show you your average cost per click, the total cost for the keyword (clicks time average cost), and the average position of the ad in the times it was displayed (first, second, third, etc.).

This is an exciting business model for creating supplemental income. If you want to learn more about Google Adwords, buy the "Adwords Bible" by Chris Chandler called Google Cash.

The best way to learn about PPC advertising is to set up an account on Google Adwords and experiment with a campaign. You can set a budget to prevent the campaign from costing you too much if your campaign results in your paying more for clicks than you make from your sales. Be cautious on your first few campaigns and limit your potential exposure.

Good luck with your PPC campaigns.

Copyright 2006 John Howe, Inc.

John V. W. Howe is an entrepreneur, author, inventor, patent holder, husband, father, and grandfather. He has been involved in entrepreneurial activities for over 40 years. He founded and to help Boomers (baby boomers) become entrepreneurs when they retire.Valeria Blog56221
Violetta Blog28236

Mobile Search Marketing - Get A Head Start On Your Competitors.

The mobile search market is still in its infancy and many advertisers are taking a 'wait and see' approach. This lack of competition in the mobile search space surely presents an opportunity for businesses to get a head start on their competitors.

While most advertisers are reluctant to commit, it is relatively straightforward to get positioned well in the natural search listings of the mobile search engines, and PPC programme click costs are still comparatively low. So, how do you start to market your business on the mobile web?

The good news is that a mobile search marketing campaign is relatively simple to set up. But before you can promote your website to the mobile search market you need to ensure that it is compatible with mobile screens, or you need a specifically designed site in a mobile ready format such as XHTML, WML, or iMode.

The reality is that most sites will be difficult to adapt to small mobile screens and will not have the simplified functionality that is required by mobile users, so a dedicated mobile site is preferable. Fortunately, mobile sites are relatively cheap and quick to build. You can also register a .mobi domain so that users (and search engines) will know that your site is fully mobile compatible.

Once you have your site established, accessing the mobile search market is now quick, easy and cost effective with both Google and Yahoo offering the ability to place PPC text ads on their mobile web search engines. There are also other 3rd party mobile ad network providers such as Admob ( that allow you to place contextual ads on selected content.

In addition, mobile websites can be optimised for high visibility in the natural search results of the mobile websites using conventional SEO tactics. You can even submit a Google Mobile Sitemap. As few business have mobile ready websites the competition for valuable screen real estate is surprisingly light and it is relatively easy to get well positioned on the mobile search engines.

While the majority of people may not yet be ready to book their holidays on a mobile handset, there is clearly a business for other travel and tourism related suppliers like hotels, restaurants, bars, clubs, golf courses, attractions, tour guides and other local services.

Very few businesses have mobile versions of their websites, so there is an opportunity to get ahead of your competitors through early exposure for your products and services on the mobile web.

Mark Scriven is the M.D of Turismotec Ltd (, a UK based search marketing agency that specialises in the travel sector. Turismotec publish a bi-monthly search marketing newsletter called etravel.success. Subscribe here - Blog3774
Evaleen Blog85996

Meeting With Investors About Your Business Idea

Raising money for your business can be very challenging especially if you are not the type of person who is comfortable marketing your business ideas. If you are one of those people who are not really very good at communicating you ideas verbally, it would be a good idea for you to spend a lot of time and efforts in preparing your business presentation to make sure that you have everything under control. When it comes to preparing your business presentation, you may need to the help of a business presentation expert just to make sure that you are able to get your points across clearly. Always remember that first impressions count when making business presentations so be sure to create a good impression in your potential investors.

When preparing your presentation for your meeting with the investors, make sure that you do not just present your business ideas, you should also them the potential profit that you can derive out of this business idea. Always remember that investors are very much concerned about profits so given them an idea of how you will mostly likely to earn and how it will take you to achieve this goal. Be realistic in your projections. Note that the investors will scrutinize these projections extensively and if they found out that you are bloating your projections, you will most likely lose their trust and their money.

Packaging Yourself

Investors are interested in you and your business. When the investors take a personal interest in you, it will be easier for you to convince then to finance your business venture. It is not uncommon for investors to invest in someones business simply because they know and trust that person. On the other hand, there have been cases where investors shy away from a good project simply because they do not like the person present who is making the business presentation. Since you as a person can make a big difference when it comes to convincing potential investors to pour in some money into your business, you make it a point to package yourself in such a way that the investors will like you and trust you. Now, do not attempt to gloss up your appearance. Investors will know it you are being phony so be honest about who you are and what you are.

Potential investors are not just interested in you; they are also interested in the members of your team. If you can bring some of the members of your team with you during your meeting, do so. A lot of investors are very concerned about how your team works so make sure that you demonstrate to them how you deal with the members of your team.

Dock J. Murphy is owner of Plug In Profit and writes on a variety on a variety of subjects.Francyne Blog34020
Valli Blog66795

Attention: Home Business Owner--Are You A Time Waster?

It's a sad fact that the average home business owner never earns a profit in their business. It has become clear to me as I meet more and more new business owners why it is that the vast majority of them are struggling to earn money with their businesses. They waste their time on the unimportant stuff and neglect the key activities that will begin to make them money in the home based business industry.

Given the lack of training provided by some companies, and given that the blind often end up leading the blind in business, I though it would be helpful to lay down some basic necessities for the new business owner to use as a blueprint to success in their home business:

1. Find a mentor or create what Napoleon Hill calls in "Think and Grow Rich," a mastermind group. A group of people who meet regularly to game plan and work out answers to problems that they or the other members are having. This group can be in person or via an online conference room. These types of people will guide you with their own successes and difficulties the have faced in business and provide you with a reality check about the level of desire, commitment, and dedication you must have to build a successful business from home.

2. Stay away time wasters. I mean ALL time wasters. If you often find yourself searching link exchanges for the newest way to "Get Rich Quick," or "Earn Money in 15 Minutes" you need to reexamine your level of dedication to the business you are trying to build. If I can impart only one pearl of wisdom to you it is this: there is NO "super simple" road to wealth. All wealth creation takes time, but some methods are just simpler or more effective than others. Set up a daily schedule and stick to it, you'll be amazed by how much more productive you will become when you follow a checklist.

3. Make "Work Time" actual Work Time. Just because you are sitting at your desk doesn't mean you are working. Wasting time may be fine when you're someone's employee, but when you are your own boss ask yourself whether you'd be happy with your own level of activity and productivity. Work time is not chat with your significant other time, call your mom time, shop on the Internet time, chat online time, or pay the electricity bill time. Work time should be scheduled in stone and given the respect it deserves. I promise, the amount of work you do in the beginning will make or break your business.

4. Just because you are on the phone with a prospect doesn't mean that they are the type of person you want to do business with. Sometimes it's hard to do it, but there are time when YOU should reject a prospect--they're just too much headache. These prospects are the feet dragging, penny-pinching, malcontents that complain about your program before you explain it to them, seem to get irritated by the minute details of what you are saying, and then ask "How long before I start making $50,000 a month?" These are not the type of people you want to work with, and in the end you will be much happier when you don't have to waste time with someone who wants you to drag them toward success. You'll make more money without them in your organization.

5. If you find something that works, stick with it. Too often I find new business owners that want to "reinvent the wheel," as the old clich says. They go into business with someone who has achieved a high level of success, but won't follow directions when given advice that will earn them income if carried out. It's ridiculous how many people will not follow simple directions. The people who make it the biggest in the home based business industry are those who follow directions the best. And on the flipside: never take advice from someone who is more screwed up than you. It's amazing how many people will chime in with their two cents on how you should build your business or why it's never going to work, or why it's a scam. Let them have their day jobs and their opinions, I'm just happy not to have to make that commute to work anymore.

Regardless of what opportunity you are in, wasting time is truly the scourge of virtually every new and struggling business owner. The fasted route to success is by following in the footsteps of those who have achieved a level of success that you want to achieve, and are willing to instruct you on their methods for building a home based business. All you must do is clean out your ears, be willing to follow directions, ask someone for the answers to the hard questions. But most of all you must respect your time, and respect your teacher's time as if it were your own. When people begin seeking you out for answers you will begin to truly see why your time is so valuable.

Jesse BolandFeodora Blog32844
Fedora Blog23198

Top Tips for running your own Home Based Internet Business

Who hasnt thought of working from home? Weve all had that dream at some time (usually on a Monday morning whilst commuting to work!).

With the maturity of the internet, building a home based internet business is becoming a reality for many people. However there is something you should know before you start on your exciting journey to a new life.

Ive been successfully running a home based Internet business now for over 6 years and Ive a few good tips that help keep me on track. Let me share them with you.

Get organised.

You are setting up a business, so you really need to be organised. Ideally set aside a room as your office. Stock it with all the items you need. Computer and printer are obvious! However think about stationary and filing. I have a whiteboard next to my PC which I use to write important to dos. I also have a calendar with all the important dates (eg: when tax documents are due etc).

Be disciplined.

Its easy to get side tracked working from home. There are so many other things that attract your attention. Its easy to find you have the perfectly kept house but a failing internet business, so stay focussed on your business. Its another good reason for allocating a room as an office. You can shut the door and really focus on your internet business.

Family and Friends

If you work at home, its easy for Family and Friends to think you are available for other things. As you are at home today, can you pick up the shopping etc. It can be really frustrating how working from home can be seen as not a proper job. Keep to strict business hours and spend the time working on your internet business. If you waste that time you will just reinforce any prejudices that you arent really doing a proper job.

Getting your website noticed takes time

When building a home based internet business you need to accept that getting noticed by the search engines can take months, especially if you are using a new domain. Using Pay per Click can get immediate results but if can be costly if you get it wrong. In the KKSmarts forum we have a Google Adwords Beginners Guide. It will save your time and money.

Learn about keywords

Keywords are king. If you arent using keywords properly on your website then you are in serious trouble. Get keywords right and you will sail ahead of the competition. A well optimised website using the right keywords for your internet business will reward you time and time again.

Do it yourself Optimisation

There are many companies offering optimisation services. This might be ideal if you really dont have the time or the inclination. However it can cost you some serious money and its not always successful. There are quite a few so called experts who are talking a lot of rubbish.

Optimising your website really is easy. You can do it yourself and once youve learnt the tricks you really are the best person to do. You know your business. You know your customers and so you know what words they are likely to use to find you.

And finally

Above all enjoy the journey. Enjoy building a home based internet business.

Mike Seddon is the founder of KKSmarts. Their free Website Promotion Guides help many businesses to get the most out of their websites. The KKSmarts forum contains many free guides in written, audio and video format. They have guides on all things including how to do pay per click, how to optimise your website and many more. For more info:Fanya Blog11210
Valentia Blog21624

Keyman Offering Quality Staffs to Rail and Construction Industries

One of the most challenging tasks of rail and construction companies is hiring competent, dedicated and high-caliber staff for their projects. High employee attrition rates are a problem often associated with the rail and construction industries. This can occur due to the mismatch of candidates expectations with the job profile, and a companys working culture. This is where the importance of a recruitment agency comes in. The primary role of recruitment agencies is to identify loyal and career-oriented candidates for their clients. Employers also need to partner with the right calibre of job consultants to overcome their specific recruitment problems.

Keyman is one such specialised recruitment agency providing the latest permanent and contract/freelance vacancies in the rail jobs and construction industries. Candidates supplied by this specialist recruitment agency are extremely capable and are keen on furthering their rail and construction careers. Keyman offers a high level of performance to the companies they are hired for.

Keyman has nearly 30 years of substantial experience in offering superlative recruitment services throughout the rail, construction and engineering industry, in the UK. As well as this thousands of candidates are grateful to this quality job consultant for helping them achieve a secured and promising career in the rail and construction industry.

The success of Keyman recruitment services can be attributed to its unique process. As a world-class recruitment agency, it listens carefully to its clients and understands their specific staffing requirements perfectly. It has a huge online database updating candidates on the latest job opportunities in the rail, constructions and engineering sectors. Moreover, it attracts the best talents through national and international advertisements as per its clients requirements. It has a unique recruitment process which ensures that the candidates are thoroughly screened before they are finally hired for their clients.

Keyman has set the benchmark in offering quality individuals for the positions of site engineer, site manager, site foreman, and quantity surveyor sought by its clients time and again. Hence, it has become one of the most preferred destinations for rail,construction and engineering jobs for many companies across the UK.

For quality staffing and requirement solutions, log on to

Brad Smith: For further details visit Blog33328
Vivi Blog26756

Forum Marketing: Is Forum Marketing Right For Your Internet Marketing Efforts? Part 2

Welcome to Part 2 of " Forum Marketng: Is Forum Marketing Right For Your Internet Marketing Efforts?" Let me get right to the meat of Part 2, Hope you enjoy!

Ask any online marketing veteran and he'll tell you that the road to internet prominence is paved by a race to have the most number of back links possible. With Google leading the way among the hundreds of search engines on the World Wide Web, link popularity, or the number of websites linking to your pages (back links), has become a very important ingredient for good positioning in search engine results. The number of back links you have to your website will significantly affect your website's page rank (PR). The higher you website's PR is, the higher it will place in search engine results pages (SERP).

Below are a list of pointers, if used wisely, will greatly improve your chances of always using the forums correctly to market your website.

- Find Targeted Users - To find targeted users, as well as to lead the search engine spiders to your website, you will have to find a forum that is dedicated to the niche that your website is servicing. To find a forum in your niche, use the neat free tool at .

- Use the Signature Box- Remember to make good use of the signature box (referred to as sig. box) that you will have once your account is created. It is considered smart forum marketing for you to include a direct link to your website in your signature box. Some forums even allow you up to five links, so this will be great if you're promoting just as many websites. Be certain to know that establishing back links to your website will never happen unless you use the Signature Box.

- DO NOT ADVERTISE YOUR LINKS IN YOUR POSTS - sorry for the caps lock, but this point is very, very important. In forum marketing this is a major capital offense on a forum. Forum members will chastise you if you blatantly self-promote your business. It is considered rude to other forum members and is most inappropriate, even more so if you are advertising affiliate links.

- Post meaningful posts and replies - If you are serious about your forum marketing efforts, then initially it would be best to think through what you are going to post so as not to come across as an uninformed idiot. The one big advantage you have from using a forum besides the number of back links to your web site is that you can very quickly establish your credibility as an expert in your niche, but only if you present valid and thought provoking posts. And you should use the same philosophy in your replies too. Another good approach in forum marketing is to post significant replies in meaningful threads. Let your words do the talking, and let them judge your business through the wit and wisdom you share. Your signature box will appear in every post you will publish, anyway. In forum marketing, the trick is to publish as many meaningful and substantial posts as you legitimately can. And as a matter of knowledge, remember that when you make a post or a reply, your signature box will stay in place until the webmaster removes it and this is usually not done very often. So, once you get your signature box up in a post, it is going to serve your forum marketing efforts for a long time to come.

* Be friendly! A key element of forum marketing is to gradually build solid sustainable professional relationships. Such would go a long, long way in building your brand. Participating the correct way in forums will pay big dividends for you in the long run. If you take the attitude that you want to help as many people as possible, then you will gain many new online friends, you will win new customers, and you will even establish a number of new joint venture partners, and it will make your forum marketing efforts a great deal easier, all by just being nice and helpful.

* Learn from your co-members. Forum marketing is all about observation! Keep an open eye about what they need and what they want. Let this aid you in your market studies. Don't be afraid to share your knowledge with other forum members. Once you are able to observe a forums discussion long enough, you will readily see just how badly qualified contributors are really needed. I mean no offense, but there are so many self proclaimed gurus out there in the world of forum marketing that give erroneous and incorrect misleading information, the forums need you to help keep the members well informed. What are you waiting for: join your niche forums today and stat niche marketing your website.

Forum marketing is one of the most powerful internet marketing tactics in existence today - if it is implemented correctly. Keep in mind the things we have discussed above, and for certain, you'll be able to reap a lot of benefits from this technique.

Jimmy Oakley-©-2007- Jimmy is an Internet Marketer who markets a variety of the best Email and Internet learning systems offered online. Today you can learn his secret weapon to getting tons of quality, 1 way links to my brand new websites in less than a 2-4 weeks with very little effort! Increase your Google ranking by easily using this new software program that is being secretly used by top ranked websites in Google, Yahoo, and MSN! I think you'll be surprised when you visit the website and watch the demo video and read all of the user comments... Visit Blog26756
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