Thursday, January 24, 2008


How to Increase Your Business by 20% Without Spending a Dime on Marketing or Advertising!

The answer might surprise you - Develop a pro-active "human proof" referral system and use it all the time! Its that simple.

When I ask most people "how have they grown your business most successfully" they often tell me, its by word of mouth and referrals. Yet when I them what system (or methodology they use) to obtain referrals they dont have one. Its a random process at best.

Statistics show that today, it takes six more times the effort and money to get a new client to buy from you as it takes to get a second order from an existing customer or a referral. So why doesnt everybody ask for referrals from everybody they sell?

The reason is because there are emotions involved most people don't feel comfortable "asking" for referrals. Heres a rule - If you don't ask for a referral, you wont get many. Do you ask for a referral something like this: Do you know of anyone that might like our services? and your answer you get is almost always no not at this time, but if I do, I will be sure to tell them about you.

We've found that when you put an automated system in place that asks for a referral every time to everybody that buys, your referrals go up and so do your sales. You can usually expect to obtain at least one new referred customer from every five new customers asked. Thats a 20% increase in business without spending a dime on marketing or advertising.

So what should you say to get a referral? Heres the key - People think in pictures so you need to ask for a referral so it paints a picture in their mind of who they can refer. Ask them Do you have any clients that might like to take advantage of the savings and or quality service you just received? If you could take a moment and scan through your rolodex and see if anyone comes to mind that you could refer, and put their contact information on this form.

Also you should have a series of 3 5 steps mapped out that lead up to asking for the referral. It should look something like this.

1) First send a thank you letter or email.

2) Then follow up with a quick phone call.

3) Next follow up with another email to ensure everything went well after you delivered the product or solution.

4) Finally, send a letter or email with a script saying: Dear (customer), based on our previous communications, you are happy with the produce, service and follow up. I would like to ask a favor. Would you be kind enough to refer up to 3 people that you think might be interested in receiving the same quality and savings that you have experienced? Check your rolodex or any clients you have dealt with in the last 30 days and put them on the form I have provided. Ive attached a simple form. Again, thanks for being our customer and putting your trust in us.

Step 5 Put a note on your calendar to call them in 4-5 day and ask for the referrals if you didnt receive them.

Then put it into an automated process so every new customer was asked for a referral every time they purchased from youWithout Fail! You need to ask every new customer because:

They just made the decision to choose you instead of the competition!

People want to tell other people about their good decisions!

You are top of mind and have just provided them with a valued solution!

You have not had a chance to mess it up yet!

By automating the process of politely asking for referrals at your customer satisfaction stage of relationship you will obtain at least one new customer via referral for every four customers asked. It's like buying five customers and getting one free!

If you want to increase your sales by 20% without spending a dime on marketing or advertising, implement a system that is automated and human proof. To learn more, review the digital brochure at or call 770-352-0662 for a free 30 minute business evaluation to improve your referral system.

George Ishee is known as the sales funnel guru and works with mid to small companies to automate the process to increase leads, referrals and sales on a consistant basis. To learn more visit our digital brochure at or call 770-352-0662.Fiann Blog56824
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